Dr. Mangesh T. Karad
President PERA
I am delighted to inform all the members of the Universities and our key stakeholders about the Formation of the Preeminent Education and Research Association PERA.
The constitution of PERA, as an Esteemed Federation of the State Private universities in Maharashtra, is a step in the positive direction. PERA would be acting as a strong catalyst for all the Member universities to encourage, facilitate and promote the higher education, research as well as the other activities pertaining to the growth of commerce, art, design, technology, sports etc. The role of PERA will be quite significant in raising the bar of excellence and progress of higher education in India.
PERA would be acting as a custodian of interest for the self financed universities, at all India level, for addressing and resolving their various regulatory issues amicably in consultation with the policy makers and regulators from the Universities Grant Commission (UGC), Ministry of HRD and various state governments.
PERA would also be making substantial contribution in the Field of Higher education by indulging in the multifarious activities which include approaching industry for the collaborative projects in education as well as helping universities/Institutions in getting accreditation, rankings and ratings through various national and international agencies of repute.
One of the major task to be undertaken by PERA is to conduct Common Entrance Tests (CETs) for the various professional under and post graduate degree programs for all self-financed universities at all India level.
I am extremely optimistic that PERA is going to play a pivotal role in ensuring the exponential growth of higher education in India and all the member universities will join their hands together for accomplishing the stated goals and objectives of producing the quality manpower, as desired by the Industry and the academia.